Brow And Eyelid Surgery

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A brow lift or forehead lift uses small incisions in the hairline to remove excess skin of the forehead and elevate the brows. The brows play a significant role in framing the face and with age the excess skin and fullness around the brows and eyelids significantly contribute to an aged appearance. By removing the unnecessary skin and subtly elevating the brows, Dr Kriya is able to create a more youthful, open, refreshed area around the eyes while still maintaining expression.

A blepharoplasty or eyelid lift is used to remove the excess skin that weighs down eyelids and causes a droopy appearance with aging. Dr Kriya performs both upper and lower eyelid surgery, removing excess skin and fat when necessary and tightening the muscles around the eyes to create a refreshed youthful appearance. Incisions are either hidden in eyelid creases or on the inside of the lid lining. This more minor procedure can have dramatic yet natural results. For some patients this surgery has a function result by removing skin that blocks vision.

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Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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